Larissa Iapichino in the Metaverse: ‘I chose athletics for Bolt’

A media event in an unprecedented digital scenario, opening a new frontier for innovation in Italian sports. European Under-20 long jump champion Larissa Iapichino was interviewed in the Metaverse built specifically for the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships. The project developed by the EuroRoma2024 Foundation, together with Metaverse Partner XMetaReal, offers people around the world the opportunity to have an immersive experience in the environments – reproduced digitally – that will host the athletics competitions next year from June 7-12. From the Olympic Stadium to the avenues of the Foro Italico Park, athletics fans and beyond can begin to breathe in the atmosphere of the European Athletics Championships well in advance, find out in advance where the platforms for jumps and throws will be located and, soon, buy tickets directly inside the Metaverse.

“The Metaverse is a really cool experience, as they say in my neck of the woods it’s cool! It’s an innovative way to socialize, technology gives us these gems that I think are very interesting,” said Larissa Iapichino, who answered questions from Sky Sports reporter Federica Frola and other connected visitors.

“As a child, I never thought that athletics would become my job. I fell in love with the sport not so much because of the example my mom set, but because of Usain Bolt. Coming from a family of Jamaican descent, I remember us gathering on the couch at home to watch Bolt’s races and even my grandmother would jump in. Seeing him run was really exciting. With athletics you never get bored, it is very dynamic and varied, there are so many different athletes fighting to get as high as possible. During middle school I realized that I had a knack for athletics and I started practicing it in earnest,” Iapichino recounted.

Upcoming events in the Rome 2024 Metaverse will be announced on the official website of the competition.

Historic decision: bonuses for best athletes in Roma 2024

The European Athletics Council unanimously approved the awarding of performance bonuses to athletes at the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships during its 171st meeting of the Council held in Vilnius, Lithuania on Wednesday (18).

The format and the structure of the bonuses will be unveiled at a later date, but this is a landmark decision for European Athletics as it will be the first time since the European Athletics Championships were inaugurated in 1934 that financial rewards for competitors will be directly available.

“I am very pleased that we have been able to announce that for the first time there will be performance bonuses awarded at the European Athletics Championships. This is a historic decision,” said European Athletics President Dobromir Karamarinov. “Offering special bonuses for excellent achievements by our athletes in this important format will further incentivise Europe’s top athletes competing in Rome next summer but also it adds an additional point of interest for the fans and media which, in turn, definitely adds value to the championships.

“We will of course continue our very stable and sustainable investment in events, competitions and Member Federations and athletics development. However, this historic Council decision will further strengthen our position of always having the athletes themselves at the forefront of our thinking. European Athletics is now able to further enhance the attractiveness of the premier event in our competition portfolio without diminishing our other important commitments.” added Karamarinov.

“I, and the rest of the Athletes Committee, welcome this decision for the European Athletics Championships,” commented European Athletics Athletes Committee chair Lea Sprunger. “All of us on the Committee have been pushing for more financial opportunities for athletes and see this as a first good step in the right direction,” added the 2018 European Athletics Championships 400m hurdles champion from Switzerland.

Also approved by the Council was a Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships ‘Ambassadors Programme’ which will see international and Italian athletics stars at the forefront of the promotional and marketing campaign for the championships.

Karamarinov recognised that 2024 will be a busy year for high profile sports events – with the EURO (European football championships) and Paris 2024 Olympic Games staged shortly after Roma 2024 – but noted the increasing cooperation between European Athletics, its Member Federations, the Italian athletics federation (FIDAL) and the Roma 2024 Local Organising Committee to make Europe’s most important athletics event one of the most significant sports events of the year.

Read the news on European Athletics website


Osakue: “Roma 2024 will be the chance of my life”

The European Athletics Championships at home, 50 years after the last edition in Rome 1974. Next year’s event at the Olympic Stadium will be unmissable for Italian national team athletes who will have the chance to compete in front of their home crowd.

A confirmation of the importance of Roma 2024 in the planning of the upcoming season comes from Daisy Osakue, the Italian record holder in the discus throw. In an interview with Atletica Italiana Tv, the channel of the Italian Athletics Federation, the Italian athlete showed all her excitement and anticipation for the competitions to be held June 7-12, 2024.

“European Championships in Rome opportunity of a lifetime? Absolutely,” Daisy replies confidently, “the fact that the event comes before the Olympics gives it greater value.
Having all my family, my friends at the Olympic Stadium, I get chills just thinking about it, it’s an opportunity I wouldn’t want to miss.”

The excitement, in short, is already great, and the Italian thrower wants to prepare herself as best as possible. “Knowing me,” Osakue further explains, “I know that I have to lower ‘the fires,’ so that I can arrive at the appointment focused, with the right level of eagerness, but without ruining everything with anxiety and too high expectations. So yes, Rome 2024, I’m crossing my fingers and saying to myself … take it easy!”

The anticipation for Rome 2024 is shared by the entire Italian team. “The European Championships in Rome, at home, at the Olimpico, are perhaps the most important appointment of the coming season. In that stadium there is a dream. We will aim and I will also aim with the relay to take as many gold medals as possible,” said Olympic champion Filippo Tortu, interviewed by Radio TV Serie A with Rds.

“Next year will be crucial because there are two major appointments, the European Championships in Rome and the Olympics in Paris,” stressed middle distance runner Nadia Battocletti, speaking at the opening of the Trento Sports Festival.

Roma 2024 stars at Metaverse Festival

“The Roma 2024 Metaverse will allow us to intercept a new target audience for athletics and engage the younger generation. Thanks to this project, everyone will be able to participate in the European Athletics Championships, transcending space-time limitations.” This was explained by Paolo Carito, managing director of the EuroRoma 2024 Foundation, during the presentation of the project developed together with XMetaReal ahead of the European Athletics Championships, to be held in Rome from June 7-12, 2024.

The new digital environment built especially for Roma 2024 was unveiled at the Centrale Nuvola Lavazza in Turin during the Metaverse Festival, organized by the National Association of Young Innovators, in collaboration with the European Parliament’s Italian Liaison Office.

“We are the only Italian sports event that has opened a space in the Metaverse,” stressed Paolo Carito, “and we should not talk about virtual reality because it is a real physical concept, which aims to overcome the limits of physicality itself. The Metaverse, in fact, will allow people from all over the world to experience the atmosphere of the European Athletics Championships at a distance and several months in advance of the start of the event.”

Project testimonial Larissa Iapichino has already inaugurated the Beta version of the Roma 2024 Metaverse with her avatar. Starting in the next few days on the Roma 2024 website, it will be possible to book to start exploring a preview of the digitally reproduced spaces of the Olympic and Foro Italico, accompanied remotely by animator-tutors who will guide people through the experience.

Roma 2024 also opens its doors to all those who wish to become active participants in the project, as animators. Task that will consist of guiding people in visiting the environments of the Metaverse. Applications can be submitted by emailing

Roma 2024 Volunteers selections kick-off

Selections have officially begun for the volunteers who will take part in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program and participate in an operational role at the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships.

The EuroRoma 2024 Foundation program, with support of HR supplier Humangest, has already collected around 1,500 applications so far, which will start to be screened for the final selection.

The Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships will be one of the most important international sporting events to be held in Italy in 2024 and represent a unique opportunity to bring together the global community of sports and athletics. The enthusiasm for the event is evidenced by the global participation in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program: more than 400 applications were sent from European countries outside Italy and around the world, with applications from all continents.

Applications are possible until 31 December. People wishing to take part in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program should fill in the form available at

Humangest’s team of recruiters will contact all candidates individually for interviews. The volunteers selected will receive several exclusive benefits: free entry to the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships’ competitions, access to specific training sessions organized by Humangest and EuroRoma 2024, an official uniform that will be assigned to each volunteer and participation in the closing party.

Following the selection phase, the volunteers have to take part in an initial general training course and then will be assigned to specific functional areas related to the organization of the event: Accreditation, Spectator Services, Competition, Protocol and Ceremonies, Media & Communication, Medical & Anti-Doping Area, Accommodation, Logistics, Transport, Venues, Hospitality, Sponsor Services, and Marketing. Part of the volunteers will take care of information and cultural & tourist services related to the European Athletics Championships at strategic points in Rome.

The requirements to participate: 

a) to be 18 years old by 6 June 2024, i.e. by the start date of Rome 2024 (or in any case to have reached the age of majority at the start of the volunteer experience, in the case of side activities);

b) be Italian citizens with knowledge of English or citizens of other nationalities with knowledge of English and Italian, basic level;

c) enjoy civil and political rights;

d) guarantee a minimum availability to participate in the event based on the dates of the official calendar and/or side events.