Selections have officially begun for the volunteers who will take part in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program and participate in an operational role at the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships.

The EuroRoma 2024 Foundation program, with support of HR supplier Humangest, has already collected around 1,500 applications so far, which will start to be screened for the final selection.

The Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships will be one of the most important international sporting events to be held in Italy in 2024 and represent a unique opportunity to bring together the global community of sports and athletics. The enthusiasm for the event is evidenced by the global participation in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program: more than 400 applications were sent from European countries outside Italy and around the world, with applications from all continents.

Applications are possible until 31 December. People wishing to take part in the “Roma 2024 Volunteers” program should fill in the form available at

Humangest’s team of recruiters will contact all candidates individually for interviews. The volunteers selected will receive several exclusive benefits: free entry to the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships’ competitions, access to specific training sessions organized by Humangest and EuroRoma 2024, an official uniform that will be assigned to each volunteer and participation in the closing party.

Following the selection phase, the volunteers have to take part in an initial general training course and then will be assigned to specific functional areas related to the organization of the event: Accreditation, Spectator Services, Competition, Protocol and Ceremonies, Media & Communication, Medical & Anti-Doping Area, Accommodation, Logistics, Transport, Venues, Hospitality, Sponsor Services, and Marketing. Part of the volunteers will take care of information and cultural & tourist services related to the European Athletics Championships at strategic points in Rome.

The requirements to participate: 

a) to be 18 years old by 6 June 2024, i.e. by the start date of Rome 2024 (or in any case to have reached the age of majority at the start of the volunteer experience, in the case of side activities);

b) be Italian citizens with knowledge of English or citizens of other nationalities with knowledge of English and Italian, basic level;

c) enjoy civil and political rights;

d) guarantee a minimum availability to participate in the event based on the dates of the official calendar and/or side events.